Recording our Debut E.P

Posted by on Apr 9, 2013


 Its on like donkey kong!

“A phrase to denote that it’s time to throw down or compete at a high level; something is about to go down. The use of the comical video game character Donkey Kong provides comic relief but the phrase itself has greater or more significance than simply its on.”

As we head into the studio we will be bringing our A game and can’t wait to show you all our new songs! We’ve been lucky enough to land a killer setup in the order of the amazing ‘Love Hz Studios‘ with producer extraordinaire Michael Carpenter. The practice and planning for this EP has been tenfold & a never ending journey but never the less it will be all worth it with a final product that will expand upon our debut single “Hoguera Noche’, and cement our sound and style for all our fans to enjoy.

So stay tuned for more deets, so exciting!!!